200,000 Naira
Building Design & Construction
Like this work. Please do you visit site to advise. I am from UDI, Enugu state. What is your estimate to complete building with best materials.
Beautiful edifics, what does it cost to build same for me at Umuahia Abia State?
Can you give me estimates.
This is a beautiful work. pls how much will it cost for this building in my home town in Imo-state. Thank you.
Mrs. Ego Chukwuma
Exquisite! Please share estimates to build in Abia State.
Could same look and appeal be replicated in Nigeria given our poor finish culture?
Would like a 5 bedroom version with a spacious study situated somewhere within a 6,317 sqm land space.
I really love this design, I have 1and half plots of land. Do you think it’s sufficient for the structure and how much will it cost to build!.
Good evening, please send the estimated cost of construction and estimate time to completion for this building.
Thank you
Hello masterstouch studios, I love this design, it looks great. Can you please let me know how much it would cost to build this in Nigeria,given the fact that I already have 2 plots of land. Thanks in advance.
Hello MasterTouchStudios, I ve got a piece of land measuring 100×100 in Benin City will it accommodate this structure with surrounding space for gardening if yes, what is the cost to bring a finishing touch? Thanks
Hello Master touch. I need full details of this design and the estimated cost please.
Please i need an estimate to build this in Portharcourt on a 50ftx100ft, kindly furninsh me with the estimate.
Hi Good morning,
My name is George from Ghana
Do you have the a two storey version of this? If you do, kindly send it to me email
and let me know how much it is.
Thank you.